The truth is, we all need help sometimes. Whether you're a couple going through tough times or an individual looking for support, therapy and counseling can be a great first step.
Licensed Clinicians | |
$100,000 & Above | $120.00 |
$50,000 - $100,000 | $110.00 |
Under $50,000 | $100.00 |
Master’s Level Non-Licensed Clinicians | |
$100,000 & Above | $110.00 |
$50,000 - $100,000 | $90.00 |
Under $50,000 | $70.00 |
Student Clinicians | |
Practicum Student | $35.00 |
Intern Student | $50.00 |
If your insurance is not one of these, you may see services through your insurance by requesting Out-Of-Network benefits. Not all plans allow Out-Of-Network benefits. You must check with your insurance to decide if your plan allows these benefits.